
Estimated Times

Global estimates in blue is based on the average times below.

SInce last (un)plug in red is based on the average since (un)plugged using last measure below.

Actual (dis)charge in green is based on mA charge or consumption.


Average Times (global estimates)

The figures are calculated based on past use. Sum is weighted on % changes, except on first cycle completion.

For example, assuming AC is 2h, plugged @ 50%, charged after 40 minutes (100% in 1h20m), the new value is 1h50 minutes instead of the average 1h40.

Still considering AC is 2h, plugged @ 1%, charged after 1h50 minutes, the new value is the average 1h55 minutes (considering 0->100%)

This means that charging or discharging a few percent will not change the existing average much!


Last Measure (since last (un)plug estimates)

This is usually the last time the phone was plugged or unplugged and the actual battery % at that time.

It can also be measured during phone boot time, to avoid measuring time when phone is off.



This shows the last few hours and the 5 estimates produced.

Tap the graphic to switch the focus from on estimate to the other in loop.