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Build.prop Editor
This screen is a ROM build.prop editor.
Modified properties (compared to original ROM) have their value marked in blue.
New properties (not defined in original ROM) are marked in blue.
Tap the pen button to edit a property value.
Tap the Add button to add a new property.
Tap the red cross button to either delete a property or reset its value to original ROM value.
See below for details about all available presets and what they actually do.
Tap the Restore button to either restore the orignal ROM file or another file you previously backed-up.
Current build.prop can be backed-up or restored at any time.
NB: Changes only take effect on boot and are "permanent". On first use, the copy of the build.prop file is made to allow for easy restoring.
WARNING: Make a "CWM Restore" package from the Active Tweaks settings in case something goes wrong. This package allows you to disable all tweaks from CWM recovery.
WARNING: Do not use a build.prop backups on different ROMs, this may lead to problems.
Power saver preset:
- Increase WiFi scan interval to 3 minutes
- Disable RIL power-collapse (helps prevents constant on/off and over-scanning network)
- Enable sleep mode on some components (pm?)
Improve responsiveness preset:
- Enable hardware acceleration
- Set window event per seconds to 150
- Enable performance tuning (Android internal)
Enable 270° rotation preset:
- Is there more to say about that? ;)
Disable usage reporting preset:
- Will potentially reduce battery drain and avoid unecessary network usage
Remove boot animation preset (not applied with all others):
- Allows for faster boot time and less battery drain on boot
Increase reboot speed preset:
- Purgeable data will no longer be cleared on shutdown, thus draining less battery and shuting-down more quickly.
Force launcher in memory preset:
- The launcher will be kept in memory as much as it is possible to. Helps prevent Android OS killing the launcher, so returning to it is always smooth.
- WARNING: There may be incompatibility with HTC Sense, crashing the launcher on reboot! To be confirmed
Improve apps performance preset:
- Increase available memory and actual limits apps can use.
- WARNING: Few users have reported this preset may result in unstable apps. If so, reset dalvik.vm.* entries to their default.
Disable USB debugging notification preset:
- Removes the USB debugging icon when connected to a PC and debugging is enable. Simply provides more space in status bar.
Improve call ringer speed preset:
- Sets ringer delay to 800ms. Call ringer should show faster, result may depend on original configuration.
Improve screen-on speed during calls preset:
- Mostly for LG and Motorola devices, sets proximity delay to 25ms. This have been reported to work on other devices as well.
Remove app checks (JNI) preset:
- Removes JNI checking on app start. May increase overal app start experience. Result may depend on original configuration and manufacturer optimizations.
Improve network performance preset:
- Increases network buffers to cope with various latency and bottlenecks.
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